What women don’t know is that nearly one-third of all women who have a hysterectomy will have a complication depending on the surgeon they choose.
Think about that for a moment…ONE-THIRD.
There is no other common surgery being performed with a complication rate that high. A patient is 20 times less likely to have a complication with Pearl Precision Surgery.
After a hysterectomy, women often face long and painful recoveries, sometimes lasting months. This can be very disruptive to their jobs, their relationships, and their health. Because our surgeons are the best of the high volume minimally invasive surgeons, we reduce recovery times to ONE-THIRD of typical recovery times. It’s because our surgical techniques are more refined, we operate faster, we reduce blood loss, and minimize tissue damage.
Gynecological surgeries go right to the heart of the identity of a woman, and a hysterectomy can be a very significant life event for a woman. Our surgeons and our facilities have one goal – to deliver a perfect patient experience at a very important time of life. We do our best to roll out the red carpet for our patients, making the whole experience as positive as it could be.
Most gynecological procedures and hysterectomies are still performed inexpensive facilities by expensive surgeons. Our surgeons are focused on improving access to the best gynecological care available and reducing the cost is part of the mission. Access to Pearl Precision Surgery doesn’t cost our patients anything – there is no co-pay, there is no co-insurance, there is no deductible to meet.If you’re reading this, chances are you are considering surgery or you are researching surgery for yourself or your employees.
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